Local Church Imagen & Foto | architecture, structure, subjects Fotos de fotocommunity
Local Church Imagen & Foto de Joban Nightmare ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
i was attracted by the that vision of when i was a child and going in to that church and always looking up at the great height and large window .. i wanted to capture an image that had that feeling :) x
perspective is great !
not sure why you would not shoot square against the building to avoid more sky ( the white draws the viewers eye away from the subject)
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When 07/12/2006 16:18
Same as Detlef and Ruud. The sky affects appreciating the detail of the building. Even cropping out the sky makes it better.Mak Mujezinovic 06/12/2006 0:30
nice work, i like it.Joban Nightmare 05/12/2006 17:54
i was attracted by the that vision of when i was a child and going in to that church and always looking up at the great height and large window .. i wanted to capture an image that had that feeling :) xDetlef Klahm 05/12/2006 15:46
perspective is great !not sure why you would not shoot square against the building to avoid more sky ( the white draws the viewers eye away from the subject)