lookie mommy and daddy,....I can make bubbles!
...and so his coming took us by surprise, but he has our hearts wrapped around his little fingers.
Im so in love with my boys,..and I know I speak for my wife as well.
E.Cansu Kindan 31/07/2007 2:02
hi i miss you i know long time i am off sorry long story but i love you and your family byee cok cok cok cok cok tatlivery very very very very sweet esra
When 27/04/2007 11:20
; )rwesiak 18/03/2007 9:53
they both look so similar, you can be proud of your sons , hug rosiUrsina Künti 16/03/2007 19:05
Kann ich seeehr gut verstehn ;)Sein Blick geht direkt ins Herz.....was gibt es schöneres als Kinder?!
lg aus Bern,
S i l v i a ~ W 14/03/2007 20:31
ohh...sooo...süss !!! gefällt mir sehr :-)lg..silvia
Mél Ancholy 13/03/2007 14:10
Ohhhhhhh ........ what a lovely little boy ;-)Martina Brand. 13/03/2007 11:59
I love it!!! :O)JVision 13/03/2007 8:18
Unbelievable cute :-)Greetings
Patricia. F. 13/03/2007 5:22
jösses!! :)Petra Sommerlad 13/03/2007 4:36
Soooo sweet!!!! LGPEtra