2.249 4

Enne See

Free Account, Thessaloniki

Comentarios 4

  • Ernesto38 30/05/2010 5:13

    thanks for your comment in my photo "gothic", enne...
    answering to your question: yes, brazil may not appear gothic to european eyes... but there is an almost strong gothic movement in the underground culture... you would like to know it...
    ah! right now i'm listening to YOU ARE 27032010... i'm enjoying, the first part reminded me your compatriot VANGELIS... i like minimalist music...
  • Kaith Kakavouli 04/05/2010 6:12

    ......kai i gi girizi.....!!!!!!!!!
    great shot !!!!!!!!!!
  • sfs-photography -Sören Spieckermann- 03/05/2010 18:15

    good work.

  • Ernesto38 02/05/2010 23:18

    luna park in buenos aires?
    beautiful place, beautiful shot!