1.671 3

Comentarios 3

  • sunsetmaik 07/03/2010 9:26

    Ich finde, es ist gut. Das Leben ist voller solcher Momente.
    Man sollte sie festhalten. Da kommt es auf das perfekte Foto nicht an, sondern das was es ausdrückt.

    liebe grüsse michael
  • Maria Kann 06/03/2010 11:07

    very much thank You for ideas, but that is actually me on the photo, and it was taken by a girl who didnt really know how to make o pro-photos=)
    but i like this result=)
    anyway, thanks=)))
  • sfs-photography -Sören Spieckermann- 06/03/2010 9:24

    Hi Maria,
    three ideas to the picture from my side

    - you "cropped" the dress. i do not think that this was very good for the picture

    - horizont brake through her upper part of her body. This "devides" the body an the picture

    -depth of field is very high.
