1.674 4

Marietta Amarcord

Free Account, Calabria

Comentarios 4

  • Laki K. 02/04/2005 18:51

    when i saw those shops first time in asia, i was quite shocked, but meanwhile i got used to them.

    very good picture.
  • JVision 17/02/2005 19:10

    very interesting picture !!
  • Michael Gillich 14/02/2005 22:38

    Starkes Alltagsdoku!
    Watch out for Bird-Flu :)
    lg MIKE
  • Anastasya I. 14/02/2005 15:40

    although those look bad but quite delicious..:-)
    a bit greasy...
    At the center of the shop are intestines of some animals such as pig or else.
    it not bad too can make a soup and for its condiments...

    LG Nicola