Merseburg - Krummes Tor
i was just testing some DRI...also if i really hate it!
i know its not perfect, i need some critique! :)
what do you think about it?
btw: i also hate that building left to it, but i did'nt wanted to manipulate too much in PS! I only had to remove all the noise and lots of lens flare's
Location: Merseburg (Germany)
F R A N K 07/05/2009 20:57
i like it!!Ch. Reinhardt 06/05/2009 21:30
The light is OK, but there is still too much DRI-related noise.Lukas - LuWi75 06/05/2009 12:18
Schön gestaltet: mit dem Licht und der ganzen Stimmung wirkt es fast schon etwas gespenstisch, mythisch.LG; Lukas
Armin Bredel Photography 05/05/2009 23:49
....oder wie verunstalte ich ein schönes Motiv.