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Milord in Poland

My arabian stallion, Milord, in Poland. Now he is here in Sweden. I like this photo, he have a good body. I Love you Milord!! :D
The picture is taken 2004, and he have chanche! There hi was nerly black, know he is grey, soon withe.

Comentarios 7

  • Ewa Jeziorna 17/12/2006 21:25

    If anybody is still interested, the stallion comes from a polish stable in Janow Podlaski, and, supposing from the date, the photo comes from a Horse Show in Bialka also in Poland. The Janow Podlaski web site is www.janow.arabians.pl
    The site is in polish, and I think in english too.
    I also have some photos from that show.
  • Amina Soufi Karlsson 20/06/2006 12:33

    Thanks :D He have a good temperament, he shows it in al photos I got on him.
  • Allan Thompson 19/06/2006 22:31

    Impressive stallion!!!!
  • Amina Soufi Karlsson 19/06/2006 14:48

    I think.. It´s verry near the racetrack, many horses goe by there. It is a Big(verry big :o) stable. But I dont´t really know where it is.. hmm.. I chall ask mum :)

    Thanks! :D

    Regards Amina
  • Sylvia Si 19/06/2006 13:07

    Hi! Where in Poland you have taken the photo???
    It's a little bit too blue, but the arabian is beautiful!
  • Amina Soufi Karlsson 19/06/2006 10:39

    Tack! Jag är 12år :)
  • Emma H 19/06/2006 10:32

    Jätte fin häst! Hur gammal är du ?