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Comentarios 4

  • TC-Photographic 10/07/2005 21:14

    I like the picture Nicole. Well done.
    Regards Tanja
  • Nicole Stephen 08/07/2005 12:03

    Great idea - only one problemo -
    I would have to visit New Zealand again
    Thanks Raul and Alex for your curiousity.
  • Alex Padre 08/07/2005 5:46

    interesting subject nicole. And yes, I too am curious with the result you will have if you shoot from the ground as Raul suggested? :)
  • Visiones de vida. 07/07/2005 23:09

    nicole,...nice mood to this seat,....

    just a different point of view,..what if you shot it form the bottom up...a worms eye view!.

    just an idea,..:)))