"MOST BEAUTIFUL JUNKYARD" Imagen & Foto | north america, united states, millisecond Fotos de fotocommunity
"MOST BEAUTIFUL JUNKYARD" Imagen & Foto de KSCAAD ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
yes, kaith, i would prefer dieing here or in the australian outback than in a hospital. this is one of the most beautiful places i know, here in the US. u would love it!
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KSCAAD 12/12/2010 6:40
yes, kaith, i would prefer dieing here or in the australian outback than in a hospital. this is one of the most beautiful places i know, here in the US. u would love it!hugs
Kaith Kakavouli 12/12/2010 6:03
dieing with beautiful view !!!!!!!Heribert Niehues 09/12/2010 19:29
Oh ja klasse, ganz meine Lieblingsmotive..... und den kenn ich ja noch gar nicht. LG HeribertAlexandru Valentin Iedu 09/12/2010 19:12
Great captured ...JOKIST 08/12/2010 18:53
Ein anspruchsvolles Foto !!!!LG Ingrid und Hans
wkbilder 07/12/2010 19:23
zielscheibe?, vg