music is my life ! Imagen & Foto | the arts, subjects Fotos de fotocommunity
music is my life ! Imagen & Foto de Ilse 13 ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
beautiful shot! that cute little girl with her red harmonica and small red bucket looks just so picturesque in front of that old wall… very touching! and a great "bitter-sweet" title to go with it! makes you think about the difference between music as a fun hobby and music as hard work – a means of survival… great job! kind regards, sabine.
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TuaniS 07/04/2010 7:36
Te quedo muy buena, se pone a pensar uno al ver....Saludos
JOSE GOMIS 25/02/2010 8:18
Una imagen que nos muestra lo que hay en el mundo, no se salva ningun pais de esto. saludosEbrahim Saeedi 29/09/2009 8:24
this photo have lovely sens and girl have a good looking, the composition is good.Ebrahim
s. sabine krause 20/08/2009 9:59
beautiful shot! that cute little girl with her red harmonica and small red bucket looks just so picturesque in front of that old wall… very touching! and a great "bitter-sweet" title to go with it! makes you think about the difference between music as a fun hobby and music as hard work – a means of survival… great job! kind regards, sabine.