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My name is Kenikir

My name is Kenikir

1.668 4

Frederick E Gaghauna

Free Account, Banda Aceh

My name is Kenikir

it's a beautiful flower with a strange scent. I am not sure if it's in the same family with the sun flower.

Comentarios 4

  • Antonia L 01/10/2007 9:50

    Beautiful colours and presentation! Excellent macro and DOF! I love's full of joy and emotion! Great work!
    Best regards, Antonia
  • DRAGA PUC 01/10/2007 7:28

    good dof! Isn't it tagetes????
  • Kristina Mateva 27/09/2007 13:18

    Beautiful colors/contrast.. Remarkable!
  • aw masry 27/09/2007 12:49

    Beautiful macro with very nice DoF and composed.
    Lovely the surprising romantic red there :-)
    Best regards - andi aw masry