1.189 5

Tim Andrea

Free Account, Nashville

My Son

I was taking some pictures of someone else and took a few of my son. This is for a friend, I hope you like it and be kind!

Comentarios 5

  • Sharen Walls 07/02/2006 16:54

    Handsome boy. But i think it would have complimented him better if you were up high. The perspective that you have by being below the shoulder is a little akward.
    Great lighting and exposure tho.
  • Jeanette Atherton. 03/02/2006 20:21

    well composed shot, b/w gives it the special charakter.
  • Sergio Pessolano 23/01/2006 18:14

    Excellent composition and lighting.
  • Jeremy B 20/01/2006 23:59

    Hey... I think I recognize that guy. :-)
    Nice shot, and glad to see you finally uploaded something.
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 20/01/2006 5:54

    hehe we are all kind !
    this is a great portrait, he has wonderful eyes, they say alot about him.
    love his ruffed up hair, it creates a great mood in this image.
    your son is a cutie you can tell him that from me.