"No, it's not a hairpiece..." Imagen & Foto | animals, farm animals, pets & farm animals Fotos de fotocommunity
"No, it's not a hairpiece..." Imagen & Foto de Jody Larimer ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
looks like my head with the tuft of hair in front and then bald around it. My eyes are a little closer and my ears smaller. ;-)) nicely scene! Thanks for the laugh! -archie
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Sally Dunn 25/10/2009 18:08
Perhaps a wash and blow dry would suit sir better? Great picture, it made me smile.Sally
Stephen Moss 10/07/2008 14:01
Well caught witty photo,nice backlighting too.Andrea Sagawe 06/07/2008 15:32
:-)))))Great and funny shot.
Very well seen.
Vera Böhm 06/07/2008 14:20
Captured with a funny hair styling. ;-)) I like this photo!Regards, Vera
Ken Piros 06/07/2008 11:35
Brought a smile to my face, well seen!Véronique Soulier 06/07/2008 8:42
Are you sure of your hair dresser ;-)) maybe next time you have to change ! funny pic Jody, byeVSarchiek 06/07/2008 5:59
looks like my head with the tuft of hair in front and then bald around it. My eyes are a little closer and my ears smaller. ;-)) nicely scene! Thanks for the laugh! -archieFons van Swaal 05/07/2008 22:38
;-)))))Love it ... this made me laugh....;-))
Ilidio Fernandes 05/07/2008 22:20
Very good shot.irka 17 05/07/2008 21:37
Musste 2 mal hinsehen. Dachte zuerst, es wäre ein Plüschtier. Diese durchsichtigen Ohren sind schon klasse. Super eingefangen.LG Irka