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Old Town Parrots

This image is available as a matted print and in several versions in my Photo Note Cards.

©2009 Steve Ember

Also available:

Contented Caffeinated Parrot
Contented Caffeinated Parrot
Steve Ember

Old Town Mob Parrots Card
Old Town Mob Parrots Card
Steve Ember

Comentarios 1

  • s. sabine krause 10/08/2010 8:39

    parrots – i'm their greatest fan!! and you captured their "luminous magic" perfectly in this shot! love the "sunni-ness" of the picture, the low point of view (it turns me into "one of them" ; )) and intelligent (in the red one's case: slightly skeptical) eye of those great creatures – "kindred souls", very much like mischievous demons! when i went to sydney a few years ago, i fell in love with the town's wild cockatoos, who'd found out that tourists were living vending machines, and often quite nice to them, so they behaved accordingly ; )): you could walk up to them, invite one onto your hand, and have him just sit there, head cocked, one eye on you, while you walked on, telling him the story of your life ; ))! greetings, sabine.