899 4

Arnold Vancea

Free Account, Bucharest

On the Wall

More photos here: http://avancea.fototarget.ro/?p=22

Comentarios 4

  • Antonio Amen 20/03/2006 23:54

    Very good photo. Real excellent. Tecnically very well done, with an excellent visual impact.
    You are welcome to visit:
    Porto in Photography.
    Comments on the Guessbook are welcome.
    Kind regards
  • Mircea Tiron-Tudor 15/03/2006 15:44

    Good shot and POV.
    Felicitari pentru site, imi plac fotografiile(in special: De iarna si Pe malul Dambovitei). Daca ai putea sa le expui mai mari,ar fi ideal.
    Best regards, Mircea
  • JVision 18/01/2006 17:40

    Very well seen and captured. I like it a lot.
  • Ron Couwenberg 18/01/2006 12:54

    Beauty in little things. Glad you capatured it. Well done