Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Pacific Northwest Moments - RAIN

Not a monochrome image - all colours got obscured by the rain.
We had 2 half days and a couple of nights of rain in 4 weeks - not our typical weather in this area.

Hope it doesn't rain for you this weekend, but here is some sun:

Pacific Northwest Moments - S U N
Pacific Northwest Moments - S U N
Adele D. Oliver

Comentarios 14

  • Wmr Wolfgang Müller 31/12/2009 11:56

    These gray-steps in the picture are fantastic. ...... to come in this photo very well out...
  • Comy 22/09/2009 5:40

    fine mood...
  • José Ramón Miguel 21/09/2009 11:09

    Una fenomenal atmósfera cargada Adele.
    Es bonita esa toma con tan poca luz.
  • Nancy Blach 21/09/2009 2:43

    The clouds give such a dramatic look to this picture and rain is usually grey so nothing wrong with that.
  • TFR 20/09/2009 22:02

    This is very fine work.

  • Kaith Kakavouli 20/09/2009 21:29

  • Ilidio Fernandes 20/09/2009 19:34

    Super place and shot.
  • Michael Freisen 20/09/2009 17:05

    it looks great, also when it´s raining.

    greetings michael
  • Sally Dunn 20/09/2009 15:26

    I love the clouds hugging the mountains, the weather is foreboding there! Nice shot though, very dramatic.
  • Michael Grotkamp 20/09/2009 13:56

    Wunderschöne Landschaftsaufnahme, bestens eingefangene Atmosphäre.
    greets Michael
  • Ernst Heister 20/09/2009 11:32

    Erinnert mich stark an Neuseeland, gefällt mir aber nicht nur deshalb!
    Liebe Grüße, Ernst
  • Frederick Mann 20/09/2009 11:13

    life on a boat has it moments of pure beauty.. (I have really sailed too little in my life.. but enough to know how you must feel)
  • s. sabine krause 20/09/2009 10:08

    it's okay to look at some rain today, since out here it's nice and indian-summery today ; ))! i like color shots that resemble monochromes! this one's beautiful with the clouds "sticking" to the mountain and giving it a "piebald look". hugs, sabine.
  • Angelika El. 20/09/2009 9:56

    Auch in diesen Regenfarben eine ganz tolle Landschaft - ich mag diese Farben und die Stimmung!!!!!
