Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Painting Spring

A young painter was taking advantage of the laburnum (Goldenchain) trees all in glorious bloom (VanDusen Gardens last week).

Have a sunny weekend - thank you for your comments - I will be away for a few days!!!

Comentarios 35

  • CsomorLászló 27/05/2010 11:12

    Fantastic colors!
  • Walter Zeis 26/05/2010 14:02

    welche pracht!!
    zum eintauchen!!
    lg walter
  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 26/05/2010 9:20

    Brava, ancora i grande maggia e fantastici colori brillanti e vivaci, tanti complimenti nuovi, Amica Adele, mi piace tantissimo questo scatto...grandissimi saluti ...Emir
  • Die Mohnblumen 26/05/2010 5:47

    Was für eine Pracht an frischen Farben, klasse!
    LG K-H
  • Frederick Mann 26/05/2010 5:38

    special feeling
  • Ruth Hutsteiner 25/05/2010 21:41

    So viele schöne Pastellfarben.
    Der Gärtner dieses Gartens hat Dir eine wunderbare Vorlage geliefert.
  • TFR 25/05/2010 21:06

    Sensational view, this is what grasped people throughout many centuries.

  • Alfredo Yanez 25/05/2010 16:39

    Muy buena imagen y composición, excelente trabajo, toda una pintura natural!!!
    Felicitaciones Adele!!!
  • Kaith Kakavouli 25/05/2010 9:14

  • Claudio Micheli 24/05/2010 13:21

    Very charming!....very good composition and colors!
  • adriana lissandrini 23/05/2010 22:50

    I like it! wonderful image..beautiful spring!
    Greetings Adriana
  • Sally Dunn 23/05/2010 17:43

    It looks like an artists dream to be able to paint there with all that beauty and colour surrounding him and also the many textures of the different types of flowers.
  • Elisa M 23/05/2010 16:45

    Creo que el mejor cuadro lo has hecho tu con esta fotografía.
  • Deryck 23/05/2010 15:44

    This is fantastic! A wonderful garden,but your shot is made very beautiful the addition of the painter. Well done
  • Ayse Nalan Yasin 23/05/2010 11:22

    WOWWWW That is so beautiful photo of the spring time..
    Excellent shot Adele.. Enjoy your time
    Hugs Ayse