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Paris #4 (Mona Lisa... last one!)

Paris #4 (Mona Lisa... last one!)

2.101 8

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

Paris #4 (Mona Lisa... last one!)

see #1

Comentarios 8

  • Ken Piros 12/11/2010 3:04

    Excellent idea and image. I never would have thought of something like this.
    Enjoyed the entire series.
  • Walter Korinek 22/10/2010 6:11

  • s. sabine krause 21/10/2010 10:00

    i agree with adele: like this one best, too! twisting and turning like a great artist for his picture but producing just another "cookie-cutter image" ; ))! sad and hilariously funny all at the same time! lg, sabine. p.s.: you might have mirrored one of your images ; )), to show the mona lisa looking the other way – wonder if anyone would have noticed… ; ))…
  • Michael Grotkamp 21/10/2010 8:18

    very nice series, Berthold !
    perfect would be showing the wonderful idea
    of this thema in one image.
    and this seems me predestinated at first telling
    the story in a "self explaining" manner.
    regards, michael
  • Tad Kanazaki 21/10/2010 4:24

  • Adele D. Oliver 20/10/2010 22:58

    Just great - and my favourite of your series ... the focus work is perfect.
    greetings, Adele
  • Dragomir Vukovic 20/10/2010 22:24

  • Alexandra Baltog 20/10/2010 22:05
