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Phu Ho view point Phu Pa Pog

Phu Ho view point Phu Pa Pog

11.966 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Phu Ho view point Phu Pa Pog

"Phu Pa Po" is located close to Phu Kho – Phu Kratae Wildlife Sanctuary. Going up the mountain of "Phu Pa Pog" can be done with a local ranger guide.
Phu Ho is a mountain peak in the shape of Ngob of farmers and Phu Pa Pog, written on the information sign in Nam Nao National Park.
It is caused by the deflection of the earth's crust, causing the ground to collapse and then rock outcrops.
The way to the top of the mountain has a water source and must climb or hang vines up to the top of the mountain, which is a wide grassland of about 15 rai = 24,000 square metres, unable to stay overnight because of strong winds.

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Carpeta New photos Thailand
Vistas 11.966


Cámara NIKON D300
Objetivo 17.0-55.0 mm f/2.8
Diafragma 10
Tiempo de exposición 1/400
Distancia focal 44.0 mm
ISO 200

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