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Play That Flute One More Time

Play That Flute One More Time

1.944 12

Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic

Free Account, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro

Play That Flute One More Time

A visitor admires a flute player at a local fair.

Comentarios 12

  • Stu Good 27/10/2005 17:14 Comentario de la votación

  • Kay Wölfle 27/10/2005 17:14 Comentario de la votación

    Could be bigger, but the composition is excellent!
  • JVision 27/10/2005 17:14 Comentario de la votación

  • Roberto Grilli 27/10/2005 17:14 Comentario de la votación

  • Darinka Mladenovic 27/10/2005 17:14 Comentario de la votación

    Fantastic photo with story and nice compozition!
    Regards Darinka
  • Dragomir Vukovic 16/10/2005 10:18

    connected nicely,
    great shot
  • † wovo 06/08/2005 23:08

    oh, it's a flute - was just wandering what he is doing when I looked at his pix.
    Another great photo
  • Leonid Dombrovsky 30/04/2005 8:38

    Excellent double portrait! Well done.
  • Darinka Mladenovic 10/04/2005 12:53

    Super ! Pozdrav
  • Helen Page 09/04/2005 21:17

    This is a photograph I would be very proud to have taken. Beautiful. Thank you, Helen
  • Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic 09/04/2005 19:16

    Thanks, Martin. Noted and corrected (as you probably noticed English is my SECOND language)
  • Martin Unger 09/04/2005 18:41

    A very good series of portraits you have here, each of them showing original living characters!
    Just something very unimportant: I would say that's a flute and not a fiddle...