Preah Vihear 05
The Preah Vihear Temple at the Thai border is very important for the Cambodian identity.It belongs to the Cambodian territory, but could be reached only from Thailand for many, many years. Now there is a military road up to the temple and there is a lot of military on both sides, the Thai and the Cambodian. Until today there are shootings sometimes. But the place is really great!
Cambodia - December 2011
Pfriemer 19/01/2013 11:06
Die Gopuram (Tempelzugang) auf der zweiten Ebene vom Tempelkomplex. Deine Fotos von Prasat Preah Vihear sind wertvolle Bilddokumente, Gruß WolfgangGerd Ka. 18/01/2013 17:03
Klasse!Viele Grüße,