Proud bear
The Notranjska region is home to all three beasts found in Slovenia – wolf, lynx and bear.
Brown bear is Slovenia's largest beast and can weigh more than 200 kg. While it has been eradicated in many places, there are still more than 900 individuals roaming in Slovenia's forests.
Saimän 27/10/2021 11:48
Grandios und Perfekt!VG Simon
Josef Schließmann 28/01/2020 10:23
Sehr schöne Aufnahme von diesem Braunbären, klasse.LG Josef
Günter Seng 27/01/2020 15:50
FANTASTIC Fantastic Shot in perfekt Quality and sharpnessVG Günter
Ivan Zanotti Photo 27/01/2020 10:29
Great capture !