"if you be my star
i'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when i turn jet black and you show off your light
i live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by"
Sebastian Schütz 08/12/2006 11:30
oh.oh. (!)
Herr Benini 13/09/2006 21:33
mag ich sehrDas Haselmausschweinchen 13/09/2006 18:36
**Patrick Wendt 13/09/2006 14:15
+++Geufel Nee 13/09/2006 10:32
++fròllein strickródt 12/09/2006 23:07
oh wie fein und zerbrechlich.......SarA R T 12/09/2006 23:05
sehr zart...Blumenkind I. 12/09/2006 22:59
wie die kniepuderLicht Gespinst 12/09/2006 22:57
mag ich sehr!lg