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Ram and Zaria – working draft 2/5 /Preston/

Ram and Zaria – working draft 2/5 /Preston/

657 4

Carsten Ke.

Free Account, Raum Frankfurt (Richtung Taunus)

Ram and Zaria – working draft 2/5 /Preston/

What I forget to mention is that this rather represents a documenting kind of style.
Wide angle lense (20 or 24 mm), colour negative Fuji, print as usaual: Foto-Fix team BS with Fuji Crystal Archive Paper Supreme.

Comentarios 4

  • Carsten Ke. 31/03/2005 9:00

    No problem and sorry, Zaria actually is not member at the fc but I think she looks at the pictures every now and then. I'll try to motivate her to attain a free membership so that she can comment. Your remarks will help on this way.

  • Klaus DLK 30/03/2005 13:26

    Als Betrachter fühle ich mich unmittelbar "dabei" - als müßte ich ihrem Blick folgen ... subjektive Fotografie.
    gruß klaus
  • Jenny Jen 30/03/2005 11:43

    licht schärfe blick perspektive...schöne situation.
  • Carsten Ke. 29/03/2005 22:04

    Well, of course she did see me. It's a friend of mine which life I like to document photografically when I'm over. She is simply used to the camera or just fed up - ask her.
