1.700 5

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.


Atop Rangitoto Island, Auckland in the distance.

You wouldn't think this is a volcano, would you?

Comentarios 5

  • Trine Gutjahr 05/04/2006 13:16

    It's easy to smile if you're visiting such a beautiful place... :-)
    No, there's nothing looks like a volcano but I know there are some in this area. Hope you got no hot feet...
    Regards from Germany, Peter
  • † Erich Martinek 21/03/2006 13:45

    My english is not good, but this picture is very good !!
    Now in German: Sehr guter Bildaufbau und tolle Weite !
    Und im Vordergrund ein sympatischer Mann.
    LG Erich
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 27/02/2006 18:43

    From here hard to find that it's volcano, anyway with good vision upon the surrounding view available here.
  • Wayne Tsipouras 27/02/2006 13:51

    Hi Kat,

    Did not get to the lava caves, ran out of time as we checked out the prison ruins and "weekenders" along the shore.

    Always next time...

  • Katrin Steiner 27/02/2006 9:38

    Yes sure I would cause I´ve been up there myself a while ago. I can see my lovely Aucks in the back....gee, homesick....
    Did you see the lavacaves, too?
    Greetings Kat