"The Dream of the blue Turtles"
In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It would be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their children too
How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy
There is no monopoly in common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
There is no historical precedent
To put the words in the mouth of the President
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie that we don't believe anymore
Mr. Reagan says we will protect you
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me, and you
Is that the Russians love their children too
Anne1994 05/02/2009 15:40
das ist echt schö das bild ..lg
Rekiina 05/02/2009 15:16
Das wollte ich auch gerade sagen. Gruß aus NFPierre Vau 05/02/2009 15:07
Sieht sechs Jahre später immer noch gut aus! :)Chilltopia-Photoworks 27/06/2003 14:13
Hier braucht man kein Schmirgelpapier .... ich glaub´ nen Föhn reicht ;-))Was für eine Location. Klasse!
Gruß Udo
João Carlos Espinho 26/06/2003 0:54
Excellent!Rudi Gauer 25/06/2003 23:32
So richtig morbide und ätzend,für diese Stimmung paßt dein giftig gelbgrünes Licht gut :-)
Eine andere Atmosphäre
A.W. Osnafotos 25/06/2003 18:42
...ganz vergessen... der song passt gut !!A.W. Osnafotos 25/06/2003 18:41
schöön + klasse die stimmung eingefangen !! lg andréAnnie Bertram 25/06/2003 17:50
Wie passend.Carsten Schulze 25/06/2003 16:32
Der Verfall kommt hier wieder richtig gut zur Geltung, Bildschnitt und Nachbearbeitung gefallen mir besonders.Gruß