Selling her painted Stones on the side of the road
This young girl is offering her painted stones to the tourists on the hiking path. Our guide actually discouraged us from buying as he thought it not a good idea since it could encourage her to do this all the time and prevent her from attending school.
Matthias Getto 22/07/2018 20:00
Difficult situation for you, because the feeling of helping will be there for many. But your guide probably had the right thoughts. She'll go to school better than selling stones to tourists. This decision is probably not as easy for them, as it is for western visitors.Best regards
Hans-Olaf FLÜGEL 07/07/2018 0:48
Ich hätte ihr ein paar Steine abgekauft - oder alle!LG von olly
Engel Gerhard 03/07/2018 7:23
vielfach ist das Leben die Schule..LG Gerhard
Claudio Micheli 28/06/2018 23:32
Splendida immagine.Ciao
claudine capello 28/06/2018 12:23
ah capisco ....cmq molto triste .....complimenti una street toccante! clMarguerite L. 28/06/2018 7:48
Zweischneidig, ob man einen kaufen soll oder nicht, wenn eben der Schulbesuch darunter leiden mussGrüessliM