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Sequoia National Forest, California

Sequoia National Forest, California

1.907 5

Brother Vincent

Free Account, MINNESOTA....along the Mississippi River

Sequoia National Forest, California

Enjoying the Gentle Giants......Sequoias over 2000 years old living at
5-7,000 ft in north central California......amazing!

Comentarios 5

  • Brother Vincent 13/02/2010 3:55

    p.s. I meant to add that I was very impressed at the number of German tourists and photographers that graced the tundra of Sequoia National Park when we were there....good to practice ein bischen auf Deutsch.
  • Brother Vincent 13/02/2010 3:50

    Greetings Deutsche Leuten und anderes......We spent a number of days in the Sequoia National Forest this past September and was blown away by it. The only place in the world that such aged giants grow, taking 800 years to reach their maximum height and the next almost two thousand years growing wider. We hope to return this Fall but also go up to the norther coast of California and take in the Giant Redwoods.
  • Udo Magsig 12/02/2010 16:14

    Hallo Brother Vincent,
    ein super Aufnahme.

  • Andrea Sagawe 12/02/2010 8:56

    Love this NP. Have been there a few times and always was fascinated of the trees' dimensions and their age.

  • Grespe 12/02/2010 8:48
