Shwe Inbin Monastery (2)
Myanmar (Burma), Mandalay, March 2012
Shwe Inbin is a remarkably well preserved teak monastery structure. It was built in 1895 by a Chinese orphan who worked himself up from poverty to become a rich and powerful merchant, married to one of the king’s daughters. Long used as a monastery, it is now being preserved as a historically significant structure; monks from the still-active monastery buildings that surround Shwe Inbin still act as caretakers. The carvings that adorn the teak building, in the traditional Burmese style, are gorgeous. So is the building as a whole.
Ralf.Becker 21/05/2015 18:05
another delicious foto with much learning power! Greetings RalfAO67 21/05/2015 11:11
gorgeous carvings indeed !Pat
† liesel47 18/05/2015 19:27
Excellent color and detail is tops...Best wishes for a great week. Liesel
letzfetz 17/05/2015 21:58
A wonderfull picture!Regards siggi
NaturPur22 17/05/2015 16:24
Wunderbar ...Danke ! LG AngelikaTeresaM 17/05/2015 8:30
Très belle vision d'art que tu mets en lumière, Peter +++Amitiés & bon dimanche,
Cameraqueen 16/05/2015 22:42
Great image of these beautiful sculptures, Peter!Greetings, Sabine
Nuria Zortém 16/05/2015 22:10
Très belle image, bravo.Salutations, Nuria
mirko meloni 16/05/2015 21:22
Excellent photo of a monastery definitely important, beautiful details.Adele D. Oliver 16/05/2015 21:01
so intricate and exquisite these carvings, so details ... I marvel at the craftsmanship - and your fine image does this work full justice ... beautiful !!!greetings, Adele
archiek 16/05/2015 19:34
A very good detailed photo using the light available. Well done!Regards,
de ceulaer 16/05/2015 17:45
always so delicate !for me too, Burma was a wonder !
Harold Thompson 16/05/2015 17:21
Quite a career he had and good detailing in the cravings:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 16/05/2015 16:26
It is important that such places as this are cared for andd preserved, even in spite of the amount of gold used. It was their way of venerating their Gods.A superb shot of these two carvings with excellent details.
norma ateca 16/05/2015 16:09
Wunderschönes Foto lieber Peter vielen Dank für das Zeigen , LG Norma