Soccer pitch in Mongar eastern Bhutan
Soccer is a kind of sport, Bhutanese people enjoy since a long time. Bhutan has a soccer community. Once I saw that Bhutan invited the soccer team from Montserrat for a soccer game. It was the most funny game I have ever seen and I think every body liked to see it very much. Its wasn't important who was winning, it was insured that everybody has his fun, everybody from Bhutan and everybody from Montserrat - and this is most important! The rest of the world is still very far away to get this in its mind.
(The foto captured in April 2000 during my third tour in Bhutan the transnational highway from Paro in the west to Sandrup Jongkhar in eastern Bhutan the borderline to Asaam in India. Scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED.)
TuuGii 12/09/2013 10:36
herrliche aufnahmerichardelmas 23/08/2013 17:00
Muy buena toma! Impresiona un poco el precipicio cercano a la cancha.Saludos