"Sonderangebot" . Liminitis camilla in Oktober
The White Admiral came in a partual second generation this year. I think they mistook the rainy and relatively cold period in August for winter.
They hatched in late September and flew at least 2 weeks. This specimen was photographed 1 October.
Did they fly in Germany also, or is it a Local Danish phenomenon?
Jens Stolt 14/11/2006 12:54
Aha, Rügen ond auch andere Stellen. Rügen ist ja nah.Jürgen Rodeland 14/11/2006 12:10
Dear Jens, some L. camilla butterflies of the second generation were also seen this year in Germany. You can read the details on http://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/2_forum.pl?noframes;read=2364Best regards, Jürgen
Günter Stoussavljewitsch 13/11/2006 14:24
That`s only my experiences fromhome area. So I`m living in the Eastern
part of Bavaria. It is possible, that it gives
different situations in other parts of Germany.
Klaus Kettner 13/11/2006 13:45
+Jens Stolt 13/11/2006 13:07
Thats strange. One should believe at the summer was evene warmer in Germany.But then again, german specimens probably adapted to long hot summers to a higher degree than the Danish.
Its heard of before in DK, but rarely.
Günter Stoussavljewitsch 13/11/2006 12:57
In Germany did`nt fly in October.I had seen the last one in August.
I believe it is a local Danish phenomenon.
With Greetings Günter