soul of cherokee
It is not blood that makes a Native American...
It is the Soul...
Too many...with the fire of Native blood...walk ignored.
Do not say I am Apache or Kickapoo..
Do not say I am Sioux or Cherokee..
Say...I am of the Mother Tribe.
This is the pain of our children..To return from the stars without a home or community...A tribe lost returns...scattered in the wind.
Those who hear must unite and reap the seed of this return...
ONE tribe...ONE Earth...ONE Heart...ONE People.
those with ears must build a fire and give thanks this night.
Be united with ONE soul...
Oh, my Children come home...
Teachers step forward without fear!
You are real!
Poet Unknown
reflecting on these words, I find we can learn a lot from the Cherokees....
from my series: A Day with the Cherokee Nation
Arnica 09/02/2011 21:51
Weisheit ist überall man muss sie nur suchen und finden.Schöne Worte des unbekannten Poeten sehr passend zum Bild.
LG Arnica
Michael Grotkamp 09/02/2011 10:27
wonderful shot, wonderful words.I think these words dated before wounded knee.
gruß, Michael
(ausgelernter Nez Percés)