Special Moment in Time.
At 01:23hrs, 4th of May 2006. A special moment.
When you put all the numbers together it reads;
Will not happen again for a long time.
Why am I up at this hour? Who knows!
Enjoy. :-)
Mr. D 05/05/2006 23:08
You are a joker Wayne, but interesting information!...:-))Best Regards
Pascal Viyer 05/05/2006 11:37
vous êtes un auteur prolifique.PV
Natacha Rendon 04/05/2006 19:52
I knew about this !! Excelente that u could shoot the moment =) !!! Great ideaEsti Eini 03/05/2006 22:47
I also like to look at nice numbers like on cars, telephones,atc.this is a very nice no. and good eyes to capture it.
Wayne Tsipouras 03/05/2006 19:19
time diffrence allows you to prepare.... ;-)Heribert Fischer 03/05/2006 18:51
great idea.greetings from Germany