Supermarine Spitfire MK 16 on the flight over the Hahnweide in September 2011.
The Supermarine Spitfire was a fighter from British production. The low-wing aircraft was used primarily during the Second World War by the Royal Air Force and many Allied air forces on all fronts. The good maneuverability at the Supermarine Aviation Works (Vickers), Ltd.. originally under the chief designer Reginald J. Mitchell and his successors developed aircraft made it very popular with pilots. At Supermarine and their licensees more than 20,300 Spitfires were built in all variants. The machine remained even after 1945 until well into the 1950s in the service.
The name Spitfire literally means fire-eaters and in the figurative sense as much as hothead. The German pilots called the Spitfire as saliva, in allusion to the German meaning of the word to spit. For the Allies it was simply called Spit.
lt. wikipedia
Nikon D3s 4.5-6.3 50-500mm DG OS HSM Sigma lens, 1 / 250 sec Aperture 20,
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OLD No13 14/01/2014 8:05
Well done , Stars sprangled banner - These Colors Don´t RunIn 2014, the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy will be commemorated by many Allied Heads of State and hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world from June through till the end of August.The majority of Allied troops who landed on the D-Day beaches were from the United Kingdom, Canada and the USA. Allied Troops from many other countries participated in D-Day June 6,1944 and the Battle of Normandy, in all the different armed services: Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Poland.Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy.
We will remember them.
Gerlinde Weninger 04/11/2011 22:42
bei dieser bea. kommt auch die stärke der strukturen gut und ich klick schon ein paar mal hin und her und ich denke es sind die abweichungen, die hier besser kommen!liegrü die gerlinde
Pascal Viyer 04/11/2011 13:24
Motorölmaler 03/11/2011 11:12
Tolle Idee und attraktiv umgesetzt. Ein paar Knitter weniger wären hier vielleicht schon genug…Hans - Peter Vicha 03/11/2011 10:38
Hallo , Frank ! Auch dies ist eine wundervolle Aufnahme . LG von Hans .FlugWerk 03/11/2011 10:11
Mmmh, hab ich das nicht schon gesehen?? Ich finds noch immer gut. LG TinaPeter PL 02/11/2011 22:12
Alt und zusätzlichauf noch älter getrimmt,
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