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St. Louis Cathedral - New Orleans

St. Louis Cathedral - New Orleans

1.949 6

Dana Jeandron

Free Account, New Orleans

Comentarios 6

  • Karin D. Ludwig 05/08/2005 18:27

    I like this perspective a lot - totally different from what a bloody tourist (like me) would put this impressive building... - Only one of THOUSANDS in New Orleans, able to knock me off my shoes - although I've been told the cathedral is presumably the most photographed one in the entire city.
    Thank you for sharing Dana - and see you in December...!? ;-) - can't wait to return there!
  • Detlef Klahm 22/07/2005 15:15

    Good composition. central line kept straight with good exposure and good detail.
  • Piroska Baetz 22/07/2005 13:26

    godd pfoto
  • † wovo 19/07/2005 16:55

    Good view.
    next time, try to get the lamp on the right complete in the picture - and go on the left a little bit higher with the cam - one can see the top of an arch (left down corner) , which can not bee seen on the right (I assume, there also one).
    Do you own a tripod - this is exellent for such pics (I use it for nearly 90% of my pics) as one can check very carefully that every corner is o.k.

  • Christo Ph 19/07/2005 9:54

    Very nice! I climbed Cologne Cathedral a few weeks ago...*gg*

    Greetings Christoph
  • Danny W. Wilson 19/07/2005 5:00

    good shot :)