Streetlive in Kesiman
Every 210 days in the part of East Denpasar named Kesiman people celebrate the great ceremony Pengerebongan where thousands of local and foreign people fete on the main road walking to the temple.
The event is the anniversary of the royal temple of the kingdom of Kesiman in East Denpasar, Pura Dalem Petilan Pengerebongan Kesiman.
Benita Sittner 29/10/2018 17:53
...was für ein toller festlicher Schmuck....VLG BenitaMatthias Krug-Bamberg 29/10/2018 14:09
Wunderbares Street!HG Matthias
richardelmas 29/10/2018 13:44
Una gran fiesta, muy buena la foto.Saludos