Summer without Sun
Hay bales wait to be collected on another stubbornly cloudy summer's day. Photo taken near Richborough Castle, Kent.
Summer without Sun
Hay bales wait to be collected on another stubbornly cloudy summer's day. Photo taken near Richborough Castle, Kent.
Eifelpixel 22/10/2021 11:38
Our daily bread begins here.Nice panorama
Always a nice subject and fun with photography Joachim
Brigitte BB 12/10/2021 0:23
It looks nice even without the sun. Summer says goodbye - your picture radiates a wonderful melancholy.warm regards, Brigitte
Heide G. 02/10/2021 16:43
end of summer -Sommer in Brandenburg
Heide G.norma ateca 27/09/2021 16:27
Wunderschönes Bild der Landscahft gratuliere LGnormaPiroska Baetz 26/09/2021 10:27
ein sehr schöne herbsliches aufnahme,lg. piri
J.Kater 23/09/2021 11:44
Wunderbar der Blick aufs Feld!Michèle FLEURY 14/09/2021 17:09
Un été sans soleil peut-être, mais il y a un soleil au sol avec ces champs moissonnés dont les balles de foin captées au grand-angle ont une teinte chaleureuse! Un plan vaste aux traces circulaires après le passage de la moissonneuse! Grand bravo David! Amitiés, MichèleKarin.M 09/09/2021 14:05
Manchmal ist es ohne Sonne noch viel schöner,wie man hier erkennen kann! LG KarinAnne Berger 08/09/2021 11:32
Und trotzdem ein herrliches Sommerbild.LG Anne
Hanne L. 05/09/2021 13:28
End of summer is near...Beautiful composition!
Enjoy the sunday, Hanne
Ferdinand W. 05/09/2021 6:51
Top!! Lg FerdiGerd Frey 02/09/2021 11:08
Perfekt wideness.Rüdiger Wenzel 01/09/2021 18:40
An intersting picture with field, bales and sky during harvest timeRegards Rüdiger
Adele D. Oliver 01/09/2021 2:41
a fine capture from a low pov with the balesof hay beauiful against the big sky ... great
ambience !!!
warm regards,
aposab1958 31/08/2021 21:33
a nice view on the field with all the hay bales-- and it is same less sun, almost rain in Hamburg and very cold..your photo symbolizes the end of summer...