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Sunny day in nature

Sunny day in nature

2.453 5


Free Account, Nová Bana

Comentarios 5

  • hama omer 02/09/2010 19:34

    Very nice
  • propolis 02/09/2010 10:29

    oh I appologize. But you don't have any profile informations about you and your country therefore I presumed you to be in germany. To be Completed

    I wrot "You have a beautifull and timeless face with awesome eyes. I could imagine you in an Outfit and Styling from th 1920ies ore dressed and styled like Barbarella"

    Best regards propolis
  • Pierrot le petit Belge 01/09/2010 21:17

    Flower Power ;)
    Salut, pierrot.
  • angelina187 01/09/2010 17:25

    sorry,but i don´t understand:) don´t you speak english?
  • propolis 01/09/2010 13:49

    ein schönes zeitloses Gesicht mit tollen Augen. Könnte ich mir auch in 1920ies-Outfit oder als Barbarella vorstellen. VLG Propolis