922 6

Florian Clarén

Free Account, Munich

Comentarios 6

  • photo - jb 11/02/2008 22:43

    Der Artikel ist zwar nicht besonders, aber das Motiv dafür.
    FG Jörg
  • Susanne Michel 10/01/2008 12:02

    Sieht nach einem gemütlichen Nachmittag aus!
    Käme jetzt gerade recht! ;-)
    LG Susanne
  • Tamara Trejo 21/11/2007 1:45

    Interesting subjects warm feeling. TT
  • Robyn Raggio 29/09/2007 2:07

    Great light...warm and relaxed...The planes of the glass make some wonderful geometric distortions of the wood and newspaper. Very well seen and expressed..

    Kind regards,
  • Jim McKinniss 19/08/2007 3:44

    Nice. I like the composition and light here. The image makes me think of relaxed moments at the end of the day.
  • Maria João Arcanjo 19/08/2007 0:29

    Love it!