Thai Sala memorial in Munich
My contribution from my former hometown Munich.
a donation from the German Dreves Foundation of the Thai-German Center in Bangkok, on the occasion of the Munich Garden Show in 1983.
The Thai-Sala in the Munich Westpark was erected on behalf of the International Gardening Fair 1983. The Statue of Buddha (maple tree, height 3.50 m) was a present from Nopradol Khamlae in June 1994 to the citizens of the town of Munich
The water basin was only added later to the park plans in order to separate the pagoda from the flow of visitors.
During the long period from 1983 to the present day, the Thaisala has been well preserved, despite some damage caused by vandalism and despite extreme weather conditions.
Blula 26/02/2022 6:04
Hier wähnt man sich tatsächlich mitten in Thailand wenn man diese kleine, mitten in einem Wasser stehende buddhistische Pagode sieht. Es soll sich hier ja um den ersten freistehenden Buddha-Schrein auf europäischem Boden handeln.Ein wunderbares Bild ist das.
VG Ursula
Werner Sperl 08/02/2022 12:17
Fein! LG WernerBenita Sittner 08/02/2022 9:41
...sehr schön und auch noch mit Buddha Statue...erinnert mich an die zweit Thai Sala`s in Bad Homburg....VLG BenitaRalf Melchert 08/02/2022 8:47
Sehr schön gezeigt