the flash
the pushkar sun was hot during mid day and some camel traders were chatting in the shade of one of the market cafes. i sat down next to them to enjoy a chai tea and listened to the positive tones of their voices. we got into the typical small talk about business, india and my country of origin..... not much later they asked for a group photo - which they all enjoyed on the camera monitor. when i asked this fellow to take his portrait his was quite surprised that i chose him out of the group. he got up immedeatly, took over this position he might have seen on old english photographs and waited for the flash.......
Massimo Lavarian 20/12/2006 2:48
I love India and the wonderful and simple indian people.I like the photo, too. Wonderful
Tamara Trejo 18/12/2006 7:02
You have a nice way with people.Martin B.... 16/12/2006 10:47
...funny story & excellent portrait!!...martin
Brigitte Dunkel 15/12/2006 23:47
Ein erstklassiges Portrait!HG Brigitte
Marguerite L. 15/12/2006 23:26
Ich bin begeistert!Grüessli Marguerite
Stefan Kreienbrock 15/12/2006 23:16
Bin von deinen Bildern begeistert, diese Schärfe und der ausdruck der Menschen gibt mir Hoffnung mal so ein schönes Foto zu Fotografieren zu dürfen.LG.Stefan
Luca Toni 14/12/2006 23:37
unglaublich starkes foto! die schärfe, das motiv, der schnitt...beachtlich!!!Daren Borzynski 14/12/2006 19:00
brilliant shot.Daren
Bärbel Bak 14/12/2006 18:53
Dieses Bild dieses alten Mannes aus Indien berührt mich sehr! Zum einen sein Blick in die Kamera, die tiefen Falten in seinem Gesicht, der kunstvoll geschlungene Turban, die zusammengeflickte Brille, der Kontrast zwischen dem hellen Stoff des Hemdes und seiner dunklen, alten Hand, die Haltung der Hand...alles zusammen ein aussagekräftiges Portrait welches mich einen Moment innehalten ließ - sehr gut gemacht!Liebe Grüße, Bärbel
Nils Utz 14/12/2006 18:35
Great picture! Too bad his glasses are that greasy...Ivan Zuliani 14/12/2006 18:34
Eccezzionale,PRO++++.Ciao,Ivan.Die Waldvenus 14/12/2006 18:25
erstklassig Dietmar!Lg Bärbel