The Fungi World (147) : Shaggy Inkcap
The young fruiting body of the Shaggy Inkcap first appears as a white cylinder emerging from the ground, then the bell-shaped cap opens out.
In the last stage of its life, the cap discolors black with dark ink dripping down.
In China this species is cultivated as food.
Dutch name : Geschubde inktzwam
German name : Schopftintling
Latin name : Coprinus comatus
Vera M. Shulga 30/11/2011 20:29
very beautiful fungiwonderful capture
Arnd U. B. 26/11/2011 11:23
Rundum gelungen. LG ArndMauro Stradotto 24/11/2011 19:25
Come sempre meravigliose le tue foto naturalistiche!!!Stupenda questa realtà autunnale.
Mi scuso se sarò assente in Fc e nei commenti alle tue foto ma questo è un perido per me di grande attività.
Ti invio il mio nuovo sito di riproduzioni e presepi:
Fammi sapere che ne pensi,
Un abbraccio forte,
willy ombret 24/11/2011 11:10
très belle photo bonne ambiance d'automnewilly ombret
Lawson McCulloch 23/11/2011 22:49
Another fine shot in this great fungi wishes from Lawson.
TeresaM 23/11/2011 19:33
Encore un inconnu pour moi ! Ta connaissance du monde mycologique est vaste, Mark ! Et ta capacité de les mettre en valeur... énorme ;-)Amitiés,
Adele D. Oliver 22/11/2011 21:08
Fascinating this trio with their peeling and shaggy surface ... great your capture, so sharp and fine the details and nice with the autumnal grass and trees in the background.greetings, Adele
Deryck 22/11/2011 21:08
I have never seen anything like this. Very interesting fungi.Well captured Mark
ann margAReT 22/11/2011 20:57
feines grüppchen im grünen gras voller blätter. tolles spiel mit der schärfe und eine feine nebelstimmung. das gefällt mir sehr.lg ann
Angelika El. 22/11/2011 20:26
Was für skurrile Pilze! Die Formen, Farben und Strukturen sind sehr eigenwillig!!! Du zeigst dieses Trio in einer ganz besonders gelungenen Perspektive!
Alfred Schultz 22/11/2011 19:53
Sympathic mushrooms, they don'thide in the darkness of forests.
Another masterly detailed picture.
Best wishes - A.
BRYAN CRUTE 22/11/2011 19:01
Another real quality work as Ive come to expect from these shots Mark, compliments againRegards
Angelika Ritter 22/11/2011 18:18
wow ..if I see that funghi.. I wouldn't think its a funghi..perfect what you always found.
lg angie
Perry Blevins 22/11/2011 18:08
Stunning details and sharpness.Regards
Die Mohnblumen 22/11/2011 17:56
Erstklassig präsentiert, gute Perspektive. +++LG K-H