The Fungi World (191) : Blusher
In the dark cavity of this old stump where I spotted a few years ago White Milking Bonnets (see picture below), I discovered this time a beautiful Blusher on exactly the same spot.
Must be an ideal biotope for fungi over there !
The Blusher got its name because its flesh reddens wherever it is damaged.
Poisonous if raw but edible if cooked. It’s one of the few fungi where the toxin is destroyed by the cooking process.
But fungi newbies have to watch out, as the Blusher can easily be confused with the deadly poisonous Panther Cap !
Moreover, this fungus is much too beautiful to be picked for the kitchen table…….
Dutch name : Parelamaniet
German name : Perlpilz
Latin name : Amanita rubescens
This is probably my last fungus shot of the 2012 autumn, because winter has suddenly arrived here with cold frost and lots of snow.
I hope you all enjoyed the pictures of the fascinating fungi world as much as I did when I found and shot them all.
A big thanks to Adele D. Oliver
for the nomination of this picture !
patrick hyrailles 02/10/2015 9:59
beau cliché bravoamitié& patrick
ls-wolle 15/10/2014 9:01
Wunderschönes Bild! Glückwunsch vg WolfgangCobrak 21/12/2013 0:51
!:-)Christiane Wüllner 08/01/2013 17:03
Very very fine work, congratulations!Greetings
Mark Billiau. 06/01/2013 13:50
@ everybody who voted pro : thanks very much.And of course an extra thanks to Adele D. Oliver for the nomination of this picture !
Paula C 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
pro+++Nena 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
+CsomorLászló 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
++++++HYZARA 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
+Silvia Simonato. 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
+Franco Cutroni 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
PFritz Eichmann 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
proLuca Di Muzio 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
PRO- Edith Vogel 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación
+Jörg Klüber 06/01/2013 13:46 Comentario de la votación