The giant...
The giant...
In the gardens of the Monastery of Pollo (Pontevedra), we can see a giant hórreo, said to be one of the largest in Galicia, 33.46 meters long, with an area of 123.13 square meters, supported on three rows of circular flat stone called tornarratos, with a total of 51 supports. Its construction dates back to the end of the 18th century.
antonio segura 22/07/2022 19:29
excelente edicion,saludosJOKIST 20/07/2022 21:36
Das ist eine herrliche Fotoimpression.Ingrid und Hans
† smokeybaer 20/07/2022 16:36
Prima gezeigt gr Smokeyfelipe Martínez Pérez 20/07/2022 14:19
Estupenda imagen.