the heart of a little girl
In every woman beats the heart of a child,
few are the women who show it,
but when this happens it is lucky
who looks them in the eye.
In ogni donna batte il cuore di una bimba,
poche sono le donne che lo fanno vedere,
ma quando questo accade è fortunato
chi le guarda negli occhi.
Marc Erpelding 27/12/2017 21:17
Beautiful mood.Zwei AnSichten 22/09/2017 15:16
wonderfull !lg Ingrid
perceptual.fragments 14/08/2017 10:28
hat etwas sensibel geheimes ... und das wurde sehr gut mit Licht dokumentiert ...Mariela Gerdzhikova 17/07/2017 13:07
Sehr, sehr rührend!Rolf Kremming 05/07/2017 16:05
ein sehr emotionales Bild. Gefällt mir gut. RolfMorgen-Stern 02/05/2017 17:57
street at it's best!AT.fine.ArT 10/04/2017 8:55
wunderbar!LG Andrea
mike snead 18/02/2013 19:17
bellissima.Dinu Filipescu 16/02/2013 12:16
A touching little story .for the eyes and the heart .Silvana W. 10/02/2013 21:14
***,,***Laki K. 10/02/2013 17:36
wonderful heart touchingMaciek Gondko 10/02/2013 17:11
great atmosphere. I like bw and the compositionRoberto Heredia 10/02/2013 17:06
Nice image and editionAndrea Sagawe 10/02/2013 16:43
excellent composition with a wonderful atmosphereLawson McCulloch 10/02/2013 11:09
A very lovely wishes,