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The Living Forest (144) : Yellow Scale

The Living Forest (144) : Yellow Scale

8.177 23

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (144) : Yellow Scale

Yellow Scale is a lichen that grows in all continents on earth with exception of the polar regions.

Just like fungi, lichens too are an interesting and fascinating aspect of nature with 25.000 species having been described and identified worldwide.
A lichen is a composite organism consisting of a fungus and a (green) alga and grows as a single individual mostly on trees (but also on bare rocks, man made walls and concrete gravestones).

In the ancient Egypt, lichens were used as packing material for……. mummies !

Dutch name : Groot dooiermos
German name : Gewöhnliche Gelbflechte
Latin name : Xanthoria Parietina

Comentarios 23

  • dirk van Appeldorn 21/03/2011 7:39

    I deal with lichen growing on humans :-)) but that's a different story... gain a professional shot
  • RicoB 20/03/2011 13:50

    Die Farben sind bestechend
    LG Rico
  • Anca Silvia B. 20/03/2011 11:10

    love the little world..hugs,anca
  • Adele D. Oliver 18/03/2011 0:29

    This is a very pretty lichen .... fascinating the closed and open little "fossiled sponges", beautiful these shades of yellow, and of course masterly photographed by you.
    greetings, Adele
  • Mauro Stradotto 17/03/2011 23:58

    Una bellissima e luminosa immagine,
    interessante come sempre la tua....lezione di botanica, bravo Mark!
    Un caro saluto,
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 17/03/2011 23:14

    Wow,das ist große klasse ++
    LG Vitoria
  • viola d 17/03/2011 22:24

    With due respect to the quality of the image itself, I think I will stick to forsythias, snowdrops, tulips and others... :)) Rgds, Viola
  • willy ombret 17/03/2011 22:24

    très très beau
    quelle lumière
    willy ombret
  • Josef Kainz 17/03/2011 20:56

    Tolle Farben ein sehr schönes Foto
  • Lawson McCulloch 17/03/2011 20:46

    A fine shot of this amazing looking fungi.
    best wishes from Lawson.
  • Vera M. Shulga 17/03/2011 19:34

    Very nice presentation.Very nice image,nice sharpness,beautiful colors and light.
    Really,this yellow scale everywhere..
  • CsomorLászló 17/03/2011 19:20

    Was Struktur und Farben! !!
  • Andrea Sagawe 17/03/2011 19:02

    Interesting info you give us here again...didn't know that with the mummies. are you sure they packed the mummies with those intentionally...? :-))

  • Carlos.P. 17/03/2011 16:38

    Estupendo macro de estos líquenes amarillos.
  • s. sabine krause 17/03/2011 16:07

    : ))))) obviously a fossilized version of your forsythia from a couple of days aga ; )) – just kidding, of course! a beautiful shot of a slightly suspicious looking… thing…, vaguely reminiscent of a southsea coral ; )). lg, sabine.