The Minnow Imagen & Foto | critique - straight and tough, subjects Fotos de fotocommunity
The Minnow Imagen & Foto de jeff rayos ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
Hi there
What a great photo. Well caught and brilliant colours. It could do with straightening out theough. It looks a little heavy on the right hand side. Rotating it to the left will accentuate the heel of thje boat and add a bit more drama?????
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Ludwig Beck 12/06/2010 5:59
Great minds run in the same direction, this has been a favourite subject of mine. Great picture neighbor.Regards Ludwig
Tom McDade 21/03/2008 7:49
Hi thereWhat a great photo. Well caught and brilliant colours. It could do with straightening out theough. It looks a little heavy on the right hand side. Rotating it to the left will accentuate the heel of thje boat and add a bit more drama?????
archiek 10/03/2008 6:06
Excellent use of light for this photo. -archie