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The Obsidianos rock

The Obsidianos rock

977 5

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

The Obsidianos rock

Aegean Sea
island of Melos

Melos is a very important island of volcanic origin belonging in the Cyklades complex.It's origin is dated back in the early Cykladean period(2500 BC) and through the ages has developped a significantly high level of civilization, especially in Arts. It is the island where the famous statue of Aphrodite was found(now in the Louvres) and also of the statues of Asclepius(now in the Brittish Museum) and of the archaic statues of Poseidon and Apollo(now in Athens).
The position of Melus between the mainland Greece and Minoic Creta but mainly its posession of very important minerals contributed in making the island a thriving centre of commerce but also a fierce rival of Mycenes and Athens. One of the most important minerals excavated there was Obsidianus from which rasor sharp stone stools and weapons were manufactured and exported reaching a climax till the Bronze Age after which fell in decline. Still now in many parts of the island these mining areas can be observed among others of volcanic origin. Some of them preserve outstanding colours that turn beaches a fascinating place for swimming.
That's why I decided that colour is necessary to this photo and the next one.

Comentarios 5

  • Jaap Koer 16/08/2015 17:37

    A nice place to be and also for the picture.
  • Christos Banos 16/08/2015 9:10

    Breathtaking scenery!
    Geia sou, Christos
  • Harold Thompson 16/08/2015 9:02

    Good view of the rocks and looks to have someone camping at the foot of the rock
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 16/08/2015 8:34

    It does seem sad that such wonderful statues should be scattered arround the world now.......
    A lovely capture of this rocky place.



Vistas 977


Cámara DSC-P200
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 8
Tiempo de exposición 1/500
Distancia focal 16.7 mm
ISO 100