The Pain of Life
"Hope in this time! Hope for more humanity around us and against racism and intolerance! This work should be a symbol for it, a dream without all accusations and only through the thinking about the wonderful humans around us..."
LEICA R8, 100mm Macro Elmarit. Black & white tinted version, exposure at Polagraph-B&W slide. Darkroom and multiple layer.
Photography by Peter Allert* ©
Brigitte H... 03/06/2019 9:13
Faszinierende Fotografie..Schön noch dein Portfolio hier zu haben..
lg Brigitte
Peter Paul Lingenau 29/10/2015 11:56
wunderbar....LG Peter
Elisabeth-Wilhelmine 13/05/2015 20:41
wunderschööööön ...fotoGrafica 27/01/2015 11:42
ein traum-bildgruss wolfgang
Inez Correia Marques 26/01/2015 10:06
So beautifulPeterAllert 19/10/2014 13:57
THANK YOU!!!PeterAllert 10/10/2014 18:04
Reinhard, danke für deine Unterstützung... schätze ich sehr!PeterAllert 10/10/2014 18:03
Vielen Dank für deine Anmerkungen, liebe Lilelu!Reinhard Kö. 04/10/2014 23:39
fav!LG - Reinhard
Lilelu 25/08/2014 11:51
sehr schöne Arbeit!PeterAllert 22/08/2014 16:09
Many thanks for this great compliment!