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The Paro Tsechu in Bhutan

The Paro Tsechu in Bhutan

6.640 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

The Paro Tsechu in Bhutan

The Paro Tsechu Festival is one of the biggest event in Bhutan. Like other Tsechus, it is held to honor Guru Rinpoche, who spread the tantric Buddhism, that practiced all over Himalayas (often called as Tibetan Buddhism).
The first dayof the festival is held inside the cord yard of the Dzong and on the final day (before dawn) the second biggest gaint Thanka, in Bhutan called Thongdol, an silk allique of Guru Rinpoche is displayed.

(The photo I captured with a KODACHROME slide film in April 1998 during my second tour in Bhutan. Scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED.)

Comentarios 2

  • Georg Mahkorn 22/10/2012 10:47

    wunderbar, eine tolle Szene
  • Eva-Maria Nehring 14/10/2012 20:28

    ich glaube das muss man erlebt haben, um es zu verstehen.
    Wie schön für uns, das man Dias einscannen kann.
    So bleiben diese Erinnerungen wach.

    LG Eva


Carpeta Tashi Delek Bhutan
Vistas 6.640


Cámara Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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